Saturday 18 May 2013

Avengers 2 Cast, Characters and Contract Updates

A lot of fresh character news has risen about Joss Whedon's The Avengers 2, involving two new characters, an update on the return of Iron Man, a possible non-returning character and location details for another possible character. Like I said, a lot.

Avengers director Joss Whedon (who is now on Twitter) has previously teased that "two of my favourite characters from the comic book" are in the movie and now it has been revealed that these two are brother-sister act Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch. The two characters are mutants, fathered by Magneto from X-Men. For Marvel cinematic fans, we know that all X-Men character rights are with Fox, but Whedon has nonetheless confirmed that they will be in the sequel.

Joss Whedon on the set of The Avengers with Robert Downey,
 Jr., Chris Hemsworth and Chris Evans.

Whedon told IGN: "You know, they had a rough beginning. They’re interesting to me because they sort of represent the part of the world that wouldn’t necessarily agree with The Avengers. So they’re not there to make things easier. I’m not putting any characters in the movie that will make things easier."

Thankfully, Whedon has also been discussing Iron Man 3"If The Avengers are called, does he show up? And the answer is, ‘Yes!'" Thank goodness, right?

Talking about Iron Man, rumours are still circulating about whether or not Robert Downey Jr will be returning; certain sites have reported him in meetings with Marvel about a new contract, but no official news has been confirmed yet.

Other news has popped up across the web over the past few days, about Hawkeye being recast or scrapped from the sequel altogether  There has been no news of Jeremy Renner being featured in Phase 2 sequels like Thor: The Dark World, Captain America: The Winter Soldier or Guardians of the Galaxy, especially odd given that we know Black Widow is going to be a main character with in the Captain America sequel. On the heels of some public comments by Renner expressing dissatisfaction with his character in the film, it raises the question: will Hakweye be returning?

Another (yes, another) Marvel rumour concerns Black Panther, whose presence in The Avengers 2 has been widely discussed for a few months now.

Bleeding Cool reported that "Anant Singh, the chairman of Cape Town’s film studios, was featured in a bulletin on the Cape Town radio station 5FM yesterday. His big reveal was that Marvel Studios have been in touch and are interested in filming some of the next Avengers film in the area."

People are taking this as a hint that the team will be travelling to Cape Town in search of Black Panther. If this is the case, the team for The Avengers 2 is shaping up to be pretty big, but with Whedon on board, we can take that to be a good thing.

The Avengers 2 is scheduled to be released May 15th 2015 in the UK.

Via Hypable and /Film

Related news: Watch: Full Trailer for Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: "Not All Heroes Are Super"

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