Saturday 14 April 2012

An Interview with Mark Andrews - Reveals Who John Ratzenberger's Voicing in Brave

Briefly, Holy Moly! an entertainment and celebrity news site, has an interview with Brave director, Mark Andrews, about the upcoming film. Mainly the interview is your standard interview stuff: 'the film looks great', 'what were its origins?', etc..., etc..., however, one particular point of interest for Pixar fans, is that Andrews finally sheds light on John Ratzenberger's role in the film!

John Ratzenberger, the actor who has voiced a character in every Pixar film, from Hamm in the Toy Story films, to the Abominable Snowman in Monsters, Inc., has become as famous and craved in Pixar films as the Pizza Planet Truck or A113 (the code for which this site is named). For several months, throughout all of the fantastic trailers, great concept art and voice cast reveals, it's not been mentioned who Ratzenberger will be voicing, and this is the first article I've seen that sheds light on the matter.

The following exert comes from Holy Moly!'s interview with Andrews, after enquiring about the Pizza Planet Truck (yes, it will be there... in 12th century Scotland):

On the insider joke front then how's John Ratzenberger's Scottish accent?
MA:"Er… it's good. It's not bad. He had a couple of goes at it. But yeah he got it. He's one of the guards in the back. If you can't pick him out, we've done our job and nailed it.""

So, there you have it, you may not be able to recognise him, but John Ratzenberger will be voicing a Scottish guard.

Brave's director also mentioned a distaste for Disney films and the classic fairytale story, so if you hadn't already gleaned that Brave won't be your average fairytale, prepare now.

Check out the full interview over at Holy Moly!

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