Thursday, 13 December 2012

Peter Jackson to Shoot Tintin 2 Mid-Hobbit, for 2015 Release

Bleeding Cool (via RTBF) has some interesting new details about Tintin 2 - mainly, when we can expect to see it. During his press tour for The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey (which is freaking great by the way!), Peter Jackson - who co-produced the first Tintin movie, and is directing the second - fielded a couple of questions about the hotly anticipated sequel.

Jackson's subsequent two Hobbit films will be released around this time next year and then mid-2014 respectively, so one might worry that the sequel to Steven Spielberg's 2011 adaptation of Hergé's intrepid reporter might be a while off. But worry no longer, Jackson is meeting with scribe Anthony Horowitz "next week", and will set aside some time during The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug's post-production to shoot the mo-cap for the film, with a view towards a 2015 release.

Exciting news indeed, and this hopefully means that the follow-up to 2011's Best Animated Film A113Animation Award winner isn't too far off.

The question on everybody's mind though: Will The Adventures of Tintin 2 be 3 hours long?


  1. My theory on this is that P. Jackson will shoot Tintin 2 when Martin Freeman is on the Sherlock Series 3 set, in Mars or April 2013.

    Since mocap takes very little time to shoot, it'll be over by the summer, and then he'll be able to shoot the 10-12 weeks he needs for the third film of his Hobbit trilogy.

    1. Ah, good idea! Yeah, that sounds likely - and then everyone wins: Tintin, Sherlock and The Hobbit, a tri-fecta of awesomeness!
