Saturday 13 April 2013

Inside Moon Bear: Discarded Storyboards and More

Last week we introduced you to Moon Bear, the great animated short being Kickstarted by Scotty Jo (of The Scotty Jo Podcast). The short is based on a storybook Scott made in college and is in the early stages of production. As such, he recently rolled out the above video, explaining the paramount importance of storyboarding and offering up some discarded boards from the short - set to Michael Giacchino's magnificent Up score.

In a second video, handling frequently asked questions, Scott also talks about how you can watch the finished film, how you can be a part of it, what generous donations can get you, the length of Moon Bear's production, and plans for a future line of shorts.

This is the first short film that A113Animation has fully endorsed, and that's because I really believe in the premise and in Scott. If you feel you can help with any donation whatsoever, please do head on over here to donate to the Kickstarter campaign - there are 29 days left to donate towards the desired total of $3500.

If you have any questions about the project, please feel free to use me as a conduit to pass them onto Scott, or - more simply - email him at

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