Friday 31 May 2013

William Talks Pixar with Pixar Corner

Al of Pixar Corner has started up a new feature, The Luxo Limelight, asking a series of personal Pixar questions to super-fans from all over the Web. I'm very fortunate to be the first interviewee, and our email chat is now live over on Pixar Corner!

Surprisingly, I said my favourite Pixar film is Toy Story 2; head on over now to check out all my responses. And Al is eager to accommodate all manner of Pixar fans, so shoot him an email at if you're interested. Be sure get following the site, if you're not already, it's a great read.


  1. Milan Harrison31 May 2013 at 23:44

    I loved the answer to You are in argument with someone who claims Pixar is overrated. How do you convince them otherwise? I would slap them as well.

  2. William Jardine1 June 2013 at 23:34

    Sometimes violence is the only course of action! ;)
